In the past three days my social network feeds served me several similar articles with the above title. The only difference was the leading number, which changed from ten to twenty seven.

I forgot to count all my flights so far, but I convinced Dina that it’s cool to know the exact number, so at least in the past six years we know that we had 51 flights together. With 3-4 trips a year, that’s not bad at all, but since my average was about 4 flights a month for almost four years, I might be well over 200, but unfortunately – I don’t know. 🙂

These articles made me glance at most of my photo collections, and I’ve picked my own reasons why I think you should always ask for the window seat, or at least which views caught my breath.

So, sitting by the window I’ve figured out how…

1)…beautiful small islands off the Tasmanian coast are.


2)…weird dust storm and construction sites in the deserts look like.


3)…big and dangerous Sava river is in Belgrade, just a couple of days before huge and devastating floods.


4)…cool Millennium Dome in London is.


5)…well protected King’s Landing (Dubrovnik, Croatia) is.


6)…long Tasmanian beaches near Hobart are.


7)…gorgeous Poljud stadium in Split is from the air


8)…rain in Paris is way nicer from above.


9)…shadows over Britain are playful in the evening.


10)…Alps are white.


11)…nights are dark, but sunsets are romantic.


12)…big the Stade de France is.


13)… United Kingdom is green.


14)… Venice is incredibly flat.


15)…Sydney is the place which makes you fall in love with it before you even land.


16)…fantastic it is to look at hundreds of thunders from above.

For the last one I don’t have a photo, but while we were approaching Brisbane in 2014, we flew over one of the biggest lightning storms that hit Australia just night before our arrival. When we arrived, I asked what was going on because it looked like an upside-down fireworks from the airplane. I was told that there were more than thousand lightnings per hour that night in Australia. It was impressive and scary at the same time.

So, these are my 16 reasons why you should always ask for the window seat.

Till the next one 🙂

P.S. When sitting by the window, you are the one who annoys others going to the toilet and coming back. 🙂



By adminko

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