This year I’ve learned that there are two types of “summer” in Ireland, regular summer and “good Irish summer”.

Summer is a period of the year that starts at May day, and ends up somewhere at the end of July. Yes, the old Irish considered that summer starts in May and that is kept till today. Even though the Irish know well that summer officially starts in June and all the dates and planet constellations, they still call “summer” every single day from May first till the end of July.

Now, “good Irish summer” are those few rare days when temperatures rise above 20 degrees that can happen once or twice every couple of years. 😀 OK, that’s again according to the locals, but we had a nice week or two every year so far in Ireland, so I guess Irish people just don’t like it and tend to forget. 😀

Anyway, that’s not the point of this post. The point is, summer took us by surprise today, and when such day happens in Ireland, you simply have to postpone anything that was planned for a day, and enjoy the summer.

And so we did. After breakfast we headed to a nearby Killiney beach and we enjoyed the morning. Since the day was pretty warm, it made perfect sense to swim a bit, so I jumped into a warm (according to my good Irish friend) sea for a quick swim. Sea temperature at the moment is around 11 degrees.


After the swim and some sunbathing we headed to a nearby suburb of Dublin, Dalkey.


We walked around the centre for a couple of minutes and ended up in some private lane. I guess this drawing on the wall sends out the message for those who decide to ignore the “private lane” sign. 🙂


We turned away and headed to a different direction, and ended up in front of this weird club. I wanted to check how the guys are doing, but it seems they don’t work on Sundays. 🙂


In the end, we sat outside to have a healthy lunch and a coffee.

Ah, yes. You might have noticed that I’m having troubles keeping up the pace with new texts in the last couple of months? Well, the time has come to say it out loud on the Blog. 🙂

We were quite busy in the past months. We had to find a new, bigger apartment, buy and assemble a bunch of weird equipment for small people, and learn many new things.


Yeps, we’ll soon have another member in our travel group and we are upgrading from a duo to a trio. That means that our adventures will be slightly different and most likely less dangerous in the first couple of years. 🙂

Well, we still have a couple of days ahead of us as a duo, but it’s a matter of days now. 🙂

And that’s all for today.

Till the next one.



By adminko

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