It’s that time of the year when we slowly start looking backwards and counting what we did in the past 365 days. As I did at the end of the past two years, I made a list of books I read since last December.

Convinced that I sucked this year, and that I read only a few books, I’ve been actually pleasantly surprised. It’s not the largest list, and I’ll be honest, I did not finish reading all the books on the list, but you’ll notice that at least 50% of them are there to share the knowledge and teach you things, and don’t need to be read from start to finish. As well, even though I did not read so many books this year, it’s still the year in which I’ve learned quite a lot if not more than ever.

So, let’s see.

This year I’ve been reading a couple of books in Croatian / Serbian language:
Voja Antonić – “Da li postoje stvari koje ne postoje – vodič za kritičko razmišljanje”:

“Do things that do not exist actually exist – a guide to critical thinking”

It’s a free book in Serbian language, obviously, about critical thinking. If you are one of those believing in internet frauds, clicking links where the Nigerian king found your e-mail to send you a bunch of millions, or you think and trust that gurus will help your sports career you should read this. 🙂 It’s available on Voja’s website here.

Snežana Radojčić -Nomad 1:

Snežana is a Serbian cyclo-nomad travelling around the world, obviously, on a bicycle. Buying her book is a double pleasure because it’s a good read and as well, it’s the major way she funds her trip around the globe. Technically, buying a book provides her food for a day, or so.

Not sure, but if you are curious you can find more on her site here, and follow her on FB page here.

The Martian:

I first saw the film. It was good, but I’ve heard many good critiques about the book, so I had to read it. The book is, as usual, way better then the film. Easy to read, interesting, puts you straight on Mars even though you’ll never be there (or will you?). This is perhaps the closest you can get. Well, if I don’t finish my book. 😛 I kinda started writing something similar before this one became a best seller, but writing good books is all but an easy task. Especially if you want to sound like Watney. 🙂

Humans of Dublin:

Even though I still prefer all those digital books easily read on my Kindle Paperwhite, some things are better as a paper back. This is an artwork from a fellow photographer friend Peter, so I had to get the real book. I still need to get him to sign it. It’s a collection of photos and stories of people living in Dublin in various situations. From usual to hard to believe, you can find anything in this book.

Pablo Escobar:

After I finished watching the TV Series Narcos, I wanted to read more about the bad ass guy Pablo Escobar, but from a different angle. Stories that only his family know, since it’s written by his son. Not a bad read if you are interested in the topic, but not great either. You need to know all the names and Escobar family members.

As usual, I’m reading some stuff needed for work and career growth. Keeping my self in good shape. Descriptions are not needed here. 🙂

Linux in a Nutshell:

How my blog got 1 Million visits in 7 months:

Productivity for Creative People:

The Goal Book:

Angular JS in a day:

And then, a set of books that were supposed to prepare us for the most difficult job in the world. Yet again, no matter how much you read, you are never ready for it, and you have to improvise from time to time, or all the time. 🙂 Of course, I’m talking about parenting.

First-Time Parent:

Everything you need to know, and more, about your first baby.

The Irish Dad’s Survival Guide to Pregnancy [& Beyond]:

Everything you need to know, and more, about your first baby but this time strictly from dad’s corner. Interesting and funny read with a bunch of funny, happy and sad stories from Irish dads interviewed in this book.

Baby-led Weaning

Book about a brave new way of teaching kids how to eat, apparently as it should be and as it once was. Letting them develop oral motor patterns while still breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

Baby-led Weaning Cookbook:

And a bunch of ideas for simple yet effective meals.

Solve your Child’s Sleep Problems:

How to train your kid to sleep well? Well, there are a bunch of suggestions here, but let me get back to the beginning of this part of the text. There is no book that can prepare you for parenting, as well there is no single way to resolve your issues. So far (in first 6 months) we used five different techniques to make Liam sleep. Currently none of five works, and we are searching for the sixth one. 🙂

Oh yes, I totally forgot. I’ve “read” a bunch of books this year and I totally forgot about them. If you pay closer attention, you might notice huge fonts, or no fonts at all on them. 🙂

Our favourite – Farm. Even though there is a single sentence per page, an adult (at least one as I am) simply can’t read that over and over again. That means, I make up the story every time when I “read” it, it’s way harder but it’s more fun this way. 🙂

And that’s it.

Hopefully I’ll be back on track and with a couple more books listed in the end of 2017.

Till then, you’ll have to read again about Ireland and travelling. 🙂



By adminko

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