I was not sure if starting this article with a joke about the difference between a tire and 365 used rubbers is appropriate, so I decided to at least use slightly modified title of “A good year” film for this one.

A year ago we’ve left home from a foggy, rainy and sad Trieste train station at 5 AM and we started our adventure in Ireland.


Dublin welcomed us with clear blue sky and a warm autumn day. With number of people moving here, is no wonder that it’s more often nice and warm than cold and rainy, since this city welcomes everyone!


From that point on, with several harder moments in the beginning it only got better and one year later, I can say moving to Dublin was a right thing to do!

About our everyday activities you can read in all other posts, so not to repeat myself how we did and what we did in past year, you are more than welcome to browse the blog and read all the stories from the beginning. 🙂

However, one thing is left and never publicly advertised. Reason is I got the idea to late. Than I waited to capture some good photos not to advertise an empty page. Ta-dam…. =>> My “#dublin365” mobile photo project on Instagram started in February. Here I’m capturing every day spent in Dublin, but because of later start and the fact that I missed it several days there are “only” 200+ photos available, not 365 yet. 🙂 Search for #dublin365 tag on Instagram or check OninStagram. And please allow 160 more days and till I get to 365 photos. 🙂

From these photos you can see that it is not always rainy in Dublin, and that we had a really great year. We hope it will get even better!

Now, we are off to celebrate our Irish anniversary. 🙂



Till next post…



Oh yeah, mentioned joke:

Q: What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used rubbers?

A: One’s a Goodyear; the other’s a great year.


By adminko

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