I got information today about “I write like” website, which apparently compares English written texts with texts that can be found in iwl.me database. The site works very simple. You copy your text into the given form, click “Analyze” and your text is compared with many well known authors, and within a few seconds you have the information about how your writing looks like.
OK, you can expect that the result will be a famous person. I copied my previous blog post (about the big St. Patrick’s day) into the iwl site, clicked analyze and BOOM! My text writing looks like James Joyce wrote it! 🙂
Site will even generate a code that can be pasted onto your blog posts, and show off a little bit. 🙂 Well, I’m doing it, and why shouldn’t I? 🙂
Well, I am well aware that old James is now proud, but I am also aware that I need to work just a little bit more on my writing skills. 🙂
Still, a small booster like this may result in more writings, and as you can see from the background image I’m working on it, preparing some new things.
So, stay tuned! 🙂
Till then,
Jam… Balky 🙂
(Photo by Goran P.)