Before I start typing anything else, I’d like to wish you all the best in 2014, and I wish to myself to write more and better. 🙂

Christmases are long gone now, I know, and new year is already “old”. But, we travelled a bit through the island in this busy period of the year, and I had no time to write a new post. Even this one is recycled. 🙂 It was originally drafted as “Dublin – The graffiti city”, but during the past three weeks I figured out that all other places in Ireland are “graffiti” places too.

These graffiti reminded me of a Serbian TV show that hosted Rudolph Giuliani who explained how graffiti are bad, and they are a sign of lawlessness and that the City is out of control. I got a feeling that he was talking about ugly slogans written anywhere, and not about the street art such as this that can be found in Dublin and in Ireland.

People here obviously prefer to see nice graffiti much more then ugly walls or metal doors on abandoned houses and offices. Even scaffolds are temporary graffiti here. They can be simple, as this one.

Or more complex and useful, such as this current and future city map.

Some of them are the whole stories in comics form.

Well known band from Dublin has it’s own corner. Of course, you can read the Balkan signature here… 🙂

There are very multicoloured places too, like some pubs or hidden streets such as this one:

But as mentioned, Dublin is not the only place in Ireland with cool walls. Some great images can be found in Cork too.

And some very funny chicks and chicken can be seen here. 🙂

In the centre of Galway there is a great cool map of Latin Quarter:

But it seams that graffiti masters in Galway prefer to paint small cool animals in biggest possible formats. 🙂 Whole house…

… or just one whole wall 🙂

Still, most emotional and my personal favourite is located in Dublin. It is the painting of Lady with roses. 🙂

I’ll collect some more graffiti artworks, as soon as days get a bit longer, but in the meantime let me know – which one is your favourite?


By adminko

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