That’s an easy answer – terrible! 🙂

In my previous post (Northern Ireland) I mentioned that I’m trying my best to keep the tempo of at least two posts per month, but this world cup in Brazil is not a friend of mine. 🙂


Even though I watch world cups on regular basis, I planned not to spend too much time this year watching it. And then I figured out that I’m in wrong country to do that. (As you can see I’m watching as I’m writing this post, I don’t expect anything from this game).


Bigger companies in Ireland (and most likely elsewhere in the world) have world cup bets inside the corporations and most of employees play the game. The company where I work is a few steps ahead, so we had to do nothing and our names ended up in the bowl and each employee got his own team to support. Teams are selected randomly and there are three nice prizes. Best team, second best and the worse teams will get them.

As you can see, I’m here, posting a new blog post which means I’m already out of the game. Oh yeah, I was quite satisfied with the draw, I even thought I have some slight chances, but England denied any of them for my prize. :))

OK, football is not an exclusive excuse for my writing delays. Another great reason is the weather.


Proper summer arrived in Ireland and we’ve spent our last few weekends outside. One weekend we walked almost 30 km along the coast, last one we went to explore some parks on the south side of the city, and yesterday we went to Glendalough again.


If you compare this photo with those taken in the winter, you will figure out that the grass is greener on this side. 🙂


Besides lovely weather we are enjoying the long days too. For example, this photo was taken eleven days back at 22:02h. As you can see it’s quite nice, but at the same time quite confusing. We wondered several times so far “what to do”, to go for a walk or a pint, but then we figured out that it’s almost midnight and it’s time to sleep. 🙂 Still, if you figure out at 23:35 that it’s not 21:35, writing plans easily get distracted. 🙂

But don’t worry! I’ve collected a bunch of nice photos and some interesting information, so I’ll fulfill my plans. Next text is almost over. In my head. 🙂

Till then…



P.S. Game that was supposed to be “terrible” ended up with 6 goals, and yes it took almost two hours to finish this post because of that. 🙂

By adminko

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